Welcome to St. Patrick's Parish (Monson)
Home of the St. Peregrine and Miraculous Medal Novenas
And St. Christopher's Parish (Brimfield)
Though separate and distinct, we are Roman Catholic Communities that show our faith through love, forgiveness, healing, and compassion as taught by our Lord, Jesus Christ. Our willingness to share time and talent is what makes us truly rich. We strive to grow in our daily commitment to become better members of God's family. Called and led by the Spirit, we seek to know and celebrate Jesus through Word, Sacrament, and Service. It is our Mission and hope that we will be humble in our endeavors, and that our compassion will include all who are in need. We welcome all who attend our Eucharistic celebrations, all visitors, all new friends and hope that you will favor one of our parishes with your prayer, your presence, your talents.
- John J. Brennan, Father
- Gary Doane, Deacon
- Bernard Pellissier, Deacon Emeritus
- Barbara St. Martin, Administrative Assistant St. Patrick, Superintendent Bethany Cemetary
- Heather Richardson, Administrative Assistant St. Christopher
Pray for
Pray For :
all who need our prayers,
as well as,
peace and health among all people.
Volunteers Needed
St. Christopher
We are in great need of Altar Servers. In order to be an Altar Server, one must have made their First Communion and be at least entering into the 3rd grade. All interested candidates can contact the rectory at 413 245-7274 or stchrisbrimfield@gmail.com.
Join the St. Christopher's Welcoming Team. Greet parishioners and guests coming into Mass! Call sthe rectory for more information.
St Patrick
Men and women are needed on the 2nd Saturday at 8:30am each month (April 5th) to help clean the church. If you are able to help for an hour please just come. You don't have to sign up or commit to every month, but we do need more people to help!
Eucharistic Ministers and Readers are needed for both Masses.
Altar Servers are needed. To be an Altar Server one must have made his/her First Communion and be in the Third Grade or higher. Please contact the Rectory at 267-3622 or Kathy Ridz at 267-4069.
Food Bank Needs
Donations are always welcomed! They may be left in the baskets at the entrance to Mass or drop them at the rectory. In addition food please consider making a monetary donation. If you would like to make a monetary donation please mail to: Wales Community Pantry, 85 Main St., Wales, MA 01081. Thank you to all who donate!
If you need help with food for the table or toys to put under the tree please call 413 245-0055.
Office Hours
St. Patrick
Monday ~ Friday 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
St. Christopher
Monday~Thursday 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Mass Times
4:00 PM Saturday ~ St. Patrick’s
6:00 PM Saturday ~ St. Christopher’s
8:30 AM Sunday ~ St. Patrick’s
10:30 AM Sunday ~ St. Christopher’s
Monday and Wednesday 9:00 AM at St. Christopher’s
Tuesday 8:00 AM and Friday 7:00 PM at St. Patrick’s
E-mail Prayer Requests
Know of someone in need of prayers? E-mail Barbara at bayers9746@charter.net
If you would like to receive the Prayer Line requests e-mail Barbara and let her know.
2nd Sunday of Lent
St. Patrick (Green), St. Christopher (Orange) Events
Please click on an event for more detailed information; to close the information, click on the event title again. Green is St. Patrick, orange is St. Chris.
Funeral Mass Pre-Planning
Monson Open Pantry
Donations of nonperishable food may be placed in the bin or on the bench at the church entrance. Donations of money may be placed in an envelope and mailed to : Monson Open Pantry, PO Box 566, Monson, MA 01057.
Please DO NOT donate expired food items.
The church side door by the parking lot is open Monday - Friday from 9:00AM - 5:00PM.
Words of Inspiration